Split Editor Layouts

This is one of the most anticipated new features in Wappler 6. Now, you can work more efficiently with side-by-side editors and easily switch between them. Customize layouts for various projects and save them for future use. Boost your productivity by seamlessly switching between different editing layouts, whether it's two columns or two rows. Drag and drop tabs to create your preferred workspace effortlessly.

Undockable Tabs

Along with the split editor layouts in Wappler 6, we introduced undockable editors. This feature allows you to detach a tab from the main window and place it wherever you like - even on another monitor.

Bootstrap 5 Dark Theme Support

Bootstrap 5.3 embraces color modes, introducing the much-awaited dark mode. With version 5.3 you have the flexibility to integrate a custom color mode switcher. In Wappler 6 we added full support for Bootstrap dark theme and a convenient theme switcher component.

Visual Workflow Editor

Another productivity-enhancing feature is the new Visual Workflow Editor, available for both Server Side and Client Side workflows. It enables you to effortlessly create intricate Server Connect Flows by dragging and dropping actions precisely where you need them in the workflow.

Visual Expression Builder

In Wappler 6 we are introducing a whole new Visual Expression Builder for App Connect, so you can easily create complex logical expressions for your dynamic data. Now it's much easier to check states and conditions and apply filters, dynamic styling, toggle visibility of different elements and much more.

CouchDB and PouchDB Integration

These powerful NoSQL databases have been one of the most requested features in our community. Together, CouchDB and PouchDB form a powerful tandem that enhances the overall efficiency and reliability of your application. CouchDB serves as a centralized database server, guaranteeing data consistency and availability across a diverse range of devices and users. In tandem, PouchDB acts as a crucial client-side connector, facilitating offline access and seamless automatic data synchronization.

App Connect 2.0

Our powerful front-end framework App Connect got a third major architectural rebuild in its 10 years of existence! App Connect 2.0 incorporates great improvements with the latest technologies like signals for mighty fast data bindings and dynamic expressions evaluation. While a huge update, App Connect 2.0 is still fully backwards compatible so you don’t have to change anything in your code.

App Connect Extensibility

You can create your own Wappler components and use the full power of Wappler UI to build interfaces for them. You can easily pack your custom App Connect components and publish them to NPM or GitHub so you can share them with other Wappler users.

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